It's been three months since you received that dreadful notification on your phone. At first you thought it was just another amber alert as the phone screamed in your pocket, you didn't even think it was all that weird that everyone else at the grocery store had the same alert going off. Its happens a lot, at least once a week. This time though the whole store went quiet for about thirty seconds until you could hear feet shuffling quickly down the aisle next to you, and then more. Then more. Soon enough the whole store was in a panic and people began to scream and cry, rushing out of the doors without paying. Ballistic missiles have just landed in five major U.S. cities. It wasn't long before you saw on the news that the President had activated National Security Presidential Directive NSPD 51, of course you didn't know what it was or what it meant- no one did. All you knew was that the statement from the White House said to stay indoors except in...
We as a nation have indulged in the peace our constitution has given us for years and years but how long does that feeling of safety and comfort last? The Strauss-Howe generational theory also known as the "Fourth Turning Theory" is the idea that in America we as a nation run in cycles. Every 80-90 years is the start of a new cycle or " saeculum" and each cycle is divided into four "turnings" which are around 20 years long. I'm not going to go into extreme detail on the entire theory because what has happened in the past cycles isn't relevant so I want to focus on our current cycle the "Millennial saeculum". Lets start with the Baby Boomers who were born between 1943 and 1960, this first turning (the High) was born mostly after world war two and experienced America as the superpower of the world and a great golden age of western capitalism. When I think of this turning I usually revert to t...