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The Second Amendment: America's Vietcong Clause

Well maybe not a "Vietcong clause" but it definitely opens us up to the possibility of insurgent warfare on home soil in the event that our government goes to hell. Something that I hear from a lot of people about the second amendment is that it gives us the right to own firearms. This is true but there is way more to it than owning guns and shooting at tannerite attached to a station wagon in the back of the trailer park. The second amendment is our ticket to freedom and liberty in case our country falls apart and our government becomes tyrannical. It truly is astounding that our fore fathers actually took the time to think about the fact that governments tend to not last too long in their glory state and eventually deteriorate so they made it not only legal but our duty as U.S. citizens to take up arms and fix what needs to be fixed.
      Obviously there is a difference between communist Viet Minh veterans and capitalist (for the most part and I will get to that later)  U.S. military veterans but lets just back up a little bit from left and right politics and look at the history of it all. The Vietcong were made up from (at the beginning) mostly veterans of the first Indochina war known in the 50's as Viet Minh and once the second Indochina war kicked off  (A la Vietnam War) the National Liberation Front was born and they meant business. These troops took what they learned in combat fighting the French and brought it with them to the next war. Guerrilla warfare is how they won, and by sending cadre members to villages and towns they could grow numbers without having to spend billions of dollars on recruiting efforts, bonuses, and benefits. They won the hearts and minds of the local population while the US military and ARVN forces continued pay dearly for collateral damage. The Vietcong were the bad guys and they killed many U.S. servicemen so I am not glorifying them by any means but if you are going to win a war against an enemy 100,000 x more advanced than you, this is the model to go off of as they did in fact win the Vietnam War.
    Does any of what I said above sound like something that could happen today? To me it does. As of right now we have thousands upon thousands of highly trained and disciplined individuals among the local national population of the United States of America and they like the Vietcong are veterans of wars that involved using cunning and hearts and minds. Conventional wars are won by numbers and prestige but asymmetrical wars are fought and won using the deepest, darkest and scariest parts of our brains. The parts I am referring to involve advanced interrogation, ambushes, traps, and throwing morals out the window if you are going into this type of war with the intention of winning. U.S. veterans fit the bill and if there were a moment that the second amendment is really enacted there will be blood not only in capitals and major cities but in the countryside and peaceful suburbs of our republic.
     I mentioned earlier that I would touch on the phrase I used "capitalist U.S. veterans". No not all of our nations prior service men and women are of the right leaning variety, many of them side with a more communal society. If you had the Vietcong split in two along political leanings then you would have what we could potentially face during this cold civil war we are in if it were to go hot today. There are so many people out there with guns but they are not organized nor do they have the ability to lead a cell let alone a platoon of fighters so I am not talking about them. The true guerrillas in the mist will be prior military, law enforcement, and other first responders that have the intestinal fortitude to handle an insurgency like this. These men and women whom right now you either say "fuck the police" to or bear back the blue stickers on your car for may in fact be the ones keeping an arms stash of RPG-7s and M4s under your house's foundation, and one day the big bad government is going to knock on your door . What do you do? Do you end up at the end of a barrel of a gun to hide the identities of the guerrillas? Or do you reveal their identities and risk execution anyways as many Vietnamese civilians did?
      These are the questions you must ask yourself whether you believe we are in the midst of a civil war or not. Would you risk your life or the lives of others for a shadow fighting your enemy so that your children may possibly grow up in a better world? I can't answer it for you and I can hardly answer it for myself but in this day we must take the time to think about it. If you "bug out" and "hunker down" what world will you emerge to in the end? Sometimes the right answer is to ruck up and fight because either way you think of it a fight is coming and it is a fight you must win.


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